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Take Action! 

Taking on plastic waste can feel overwhelming... 
It's important to have hope,

stay positive, and take action

where you can.

This page is to serve as a resource,

to educate and inspire.

I hope you find it useful!


"I am only one.  But still, I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."  
- EdwardEverette Hale  
Under the Sea
Click & learn more about this important
piece of legislation!
oceana dolphin.jpg
Click here to sign the petition!
Support The
Break Free
From Plastic
Pollution Act!

Click & read the executive
summery r

Ways you can reduce your plastic footprint!

No more plastic water bottles - Bring a reusable glass or aluminum with you - you will taste the difference! 


Invest in a reusable bag - Many of us have already done this, and now it’s second nature - it wasn’t so hard right? If you’ve got it down, try bringing your own reusable produce bags to the grocery store as well.


Avoid products with micro-beads - Microbeads advertised to exfoliate are microplastics and end up in our oceans and in the bellies of our marine life. Avoid facial cleansing products and hand soaps with the ingredients “polypropylene” and “polyethylene” in them.


Buy in bulk - Stock up at your local natural market or Whole Foods - even better, bring your own container - a mason jar or reusable produce bag.

Bring your own “TO GO” containers - They don’t have to be pretty!  They can be old, washed out take out containers, or whatever you have at home to store food.  Keep them in the trunk of your car.  Don’t forget to pack your own cutlery as well - it’s one of the top culprits of plastic waste found in the ocean. 


Don’t pocket hotel travel sized products - I know they’re cute, but try to bring your own products from home.


Glitter be gone - This is hard, especially if you have a 4 year old daughter like me.  Glitter is plastic.  It’s magical, but it’s pure microplastic. Good news is there is eco-biodegradable options out there!


Skip the straw - Or bring your own stainless steel straw.  Keep one in your purse or car - the trick is remembering to bring it out before your server brings it to the table or counter in your glass.

Zero waste your mouth - Bamboo your brush, find toothpaste in an aluminum tube or glass jar and purchase biodegradable floss in a glass or tin container.


Time’s up, Tupperware - My mom was a Tupperware lady, and it does have nostalgic flair.  But when your current collection starts to wear (especially those knock-off cheap giveaways), switch to glass storage containers.


Plastic wrap - Don’t be so clingy - ditch plastic wrap for beeswax wraps - they’re  awesome! 


Detach from Ziplock bags - If you can’t live without them, at least wash them and reuse as many times as possible, or better yet buy reusable silicone bags for storing and freezing food.


Bye-bye balloons - It’s hard to imagine that something that brings such joy can be so deadly, but when they are let go, they are almost certain to end up in our oceans, and so much wildlife has suffered because of them. If you really just can’t have a party without them, buy natural biodegradable latex balloons, use a natural fiber string, and be sure to cut it off before disposing the two into the garbage. 


Flaunt your caffeine addiction - treat yourself a pretty coffee canteen and bring it with you when you order at a cafe - not only will you be going green but your coffee will stay warmer longer too. Did you know that coffee cups are lined with a coating of chemicals so that the paper cup doesn’t get soggy - this coating also makes coffee cups non recyclable.

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