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Green Road Refill is a mobile retail store offers earth conscious products with the focus on reducing cape Cod's plastic footprint.  We refill over 40 plant based soaps, shampoos, lotions and cleaning products sold by the weighed ounce. So not only are customers supporting the environment by purchasing fabulous eco friendly products  but they're also reducing their plastic consumption one bottle at a time!  Additionally, our mobile shop aims to introduce customers to many of the latest green alternatives in retail from stainless steel straws, and beeswax wraps to reusable produce bags and bamboo tooth brushes. Our mission is to expose and educate our community about how taking small steps to live greener life can make a big difference in the health of our planet. 


It’s simple really - you can bring in one of your own used bottles from home - can be as big as laundry detergent gallon to a tiny perfume or lotion bottle or you can purchase one of our glass or aluminum containers when you get to Bettie Bus. We also have a donation basket free for the pickins - drop a bottle take a bottle - rinsed reused glass and plastic bottles all shapes and sizes!


1. Tare away!  The First Step is to bring it to me your bottle to me (Jess) and I’ll weigh the bottle (tare) before you fill it.


2. Pump it Up! Choose your product and fill your bottle.


3. Weigh and pay!  Find me again - we’ll pop your filled bottle on the scale once more, tally up $ per ounce, and then you pay - cash debit or credit.

Check out the menu page for a list of refill products



Our First Year on the Green Road

Press Links! 

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